priorganizing [pri•or•gan•iz•ing] - The combination of priority and organization, because one without the other does little good. Not knowing where to start can keep you from doing anything. Let us help you create a plan and achieve the peace of mind that comes with a job well done.

How does priorganizing work for you?

We start by listening to you. Together we prioritize your most important goals to create your customized action plan. Going forward, you determine if you want to use the plan as your own checklist, or you want to work together, or we can do it all for you. We provide you with accountability, resources, and strategies to achieve your goals. Priorganizing gives you the peace of mind to focus on what is most important in your life.

10 Benefits of working with a Professional Organizer

1. They help you see the big picture

2. They give you the courage to get started

3. They have a calm attitude

4. They bring fresh eyes

5. They create systems so you stay organized

6. They keep you on track and increase productivity

7. They see the project to the end

8. They bring expertise and knowledge 

9. They leave you with more time and less stress

10. They empower you to make good decisions


What types of jobs need priorganizing?

How does it work?


Accepting cash, check or Venmo payments

Initial Consult

30 minutes


2-hour Power

(minimum booking)


Half Day

4 hour package


Hours: Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm 

Flexibility for evenings and weekends upon request

Feel free to give me a call/text at 720-431-6456 

or email